Yoga Postures And Therapy

If you like to deepen your yoga asana practice, you can by consciously connecting with the subtle aspects of yourself while in the pose.

Here are 5 principles with 5 asanas to make your practice more meaningful.

Explore the principles, you may experience the concept of yoga therapy.


For each of the approximately 9 categories of asanas, there are principles that deal with alignment or transformation.

These principles have been created according to the 5 different aspects of self: physical, energetic, mental-emotional, transformational, and spiritual.

Let us explore these principles of alignment or transformation from the Standing Pose category.

Physical - 1 Of 15 Principles For Standing Poses:

Engage the Bandhas as the Foundation of Standing Poses

The bandhas create structural and energetic support for most Yoga poses.

Mulabandha is 1 of 5 bandhas that work together to provide lengthening in the spine.

One way to engage this root lock is by isolating the perineum and gently drawing the pelvic floor up, without excessively tightening the buttock muscles.

Practice: Stand in Tadasana and engage Mulabandha.

Feel the support in the pelvic area.

Energetic - 1 Of 5 Principles For Standing Poses:

Develop An Awareness Of The Pranavayus To Support The Lines Of Energy In The Standing Poses

Pranavayus are the main currents of energy in the body.

There are 5 pranavayus.

Practice: Begin in any modification of Lateral Angle pose (Parsvakonasana) that you can hold comfortably.

Sense the breath filling the base of the pelvis - Apana Vaya.

While holding the pose on each exhalation sense the movement of energy down the back leg to the heel, grounding and stabilizing.

Mental-Emotional - 1 Of 3 Principles:

Allow Feeling And Sensation To Unfold Within The Pose

Feelings arise in poses.

Allow the sensations to expand. Use the breath to assist.

Practice: In Virabhadrasana II, be fully aware of sensations and feelings without analyzing or categorizing.

As you hold the pose, notice the qualities of the sensations, including colors, shapes, and images.

Transformational - 1 Of 3 Principles:

Sense The Deeper Archetypal Meaning Of The Standing Pose

Many Yoga poses have a deeper archetypal message.

Can you sense the significance while resting in the pose? Holding a mudra might increase the experience.

Practice: Come into Goddess pose and place your hands in Yoni mudra.

Visualize yourself as a Goddess offering strength and nourishment. Open to the powerful energy of the Goddess.

Spiritual - 1 Of 3 Principles:

Experience The Pose As Part Of A Complete Process Of The 8 Limbs Of Yoga

The limbs of Patanjali's Yoga are a guide to our essential nature, and for the process from gross to subtle.

Practice: In Trikonasana, be aware of the asana and pranayama.

Then become completely engaged in sensations throughout your being; now allow your focus to remain on a single point, like Ujjayi breath in the throat.

Notice how you can allow body, breath, sensation and feeling to merge into a synchronous flow.

Hold in an effortless meditation.

Created by yoga and fitness expert Kris Fondran, Shapeshifter Yoga is an online fitness learning program designed to help you not just master yoga as an exercise but an excellent alternative to lose weight.