4 Myths Of Yoga To Be Addressed
Yoga has been well-liked in both body workouts and spiritual conditioning especially with women whether they are single, married, pregnant or have children.
However, it is often misunderstood by people who are not involved and therefore has no idea other than reading and believing various publications and what the mainstream media wants them to believe.
This is unavoidable when you take into consideration of it as a way of discipline and standards it sets.
Having said that, this is what I want to address in this article.
1. Yoga Is Like Any Other Exercise
Though yoga is exercise, the same can be said for walking, swimming and running.
I can move from my couch to table without much sweating and grinding.
The reality is that exercise is just the start of what yoga really is about.
It is near to a accumulation of exercise, physiotherapy, psychology and spirituality all gathered into one.
As you proceed to develop yoga from basic to intermediate to advanced, you will discover yourself becoming disciplined, stronger mentally and physically.
Should you be able to discipline yourself to practise yoga regularly, it is a matter of time before you began making progress from one level to the next.
For certain individuals, this elevates them to a spiritual level since they are capable of clearing their thoughts before meditating.
2. Yoga Best Fits Hippies
As said before, yoga can be a mental path to spiritual well-being other than physical conditioning.
That is if you are able to clear all distractions, doubts and focus on what you need in order to improve.
But you do not need to come from or even have any religion to begin with.
Instead what you need is self-belief in merging your body and the mind with yoga essence in order to achieve inner balance.
For certain yogis, it means freeing themselves from all life worries and burdens which are unavoidable but can be overcome with the right mindset.
For others, it will be an effective way to look at things differently from what they used to in order to get different results.
Whichever the case if you want to achieve what you have not before, you need to do things you have never done before.
Even if others around you think and tell you otherwise.
3. Yoga Is Just A Meditation Exercise For Patient Ones
Apparently, there have been misperceptions about yoga only suitable for those who loves meditation exercises.
That is not entirely true and I tell you why.
Though it originated centuries ago, it is still very effective in helping individuals physically and mentally in coping with life challenges.
Physically, mentally and spiritually.
But in order to achieve results, you need to give yourself time and patience in doing what needs to be done in order to get the results you want eventually.
4. Yoga Does Not Give Or Even Guarantee Instant Weight Loss
This one is completely off target.
Yes, yoga may not be like the usual sports and exercises like swimming, running, cycling and body workouts in gym.
But the fact it is designed that way is making sure that anyone can be and stay fit.
Including pregnant women and those who just recovered from illness or injury.
Also while you are developing your mind, you are also developing your body at the same time in working out with your limbs and muscles depending on which technique you use.
As your mind and body develop, your body will actually become more efficient at consuming foods and processing them into nutrients and waste.
Yoga Burn Total Body Challenge is a program designed to help women lose weight without going through a particularly abrasive cardio workout.